Drug target resources for asthma and its two age-of-onset subtypes (adult- and childhood-onset)

Leading prioritised genes for asthma, with leading prioritisation plot to illustrate recovered asthma phase-II or above drug targets.

Crosstalk genes for adult- and childhood-onset asthma, each identified by integrating the target priority rating information with pathway-derived gene interactions (merged from KEGG pathways). Crosstalk genes are divided into three groups: shared by both asthma subtypes, specific to adult-onset asthma, and specific to childhood-onset asthma.

Reproducible showcase analysing GWAS summary data on asthma and its two subtypes

The showcase illustrates how to use the asthma GWAS summary-level data for the identification of shared and distinct drug targets for adult- and childhood-onset asthma.

The showcase includes input data, line-by-line codes, and tabular and graphical outputs; all embedded into a single self-contained HTML file.

R package for genetics-led & network-driven drug target prioritisation for asthma

Software codes are packaged into an R package called PIA, made available at github.

The PIA package is developed in parallels with the transition from genetic findings to translational applications for asthma, featuring genetics-led and network-driven integrative prioritisation, an improvement to the priority index (Pi) approach.